26 August 2012

Robbery Homicide Division (CBS, 2002-2003)

This Michael Mann-produced one season wonder was difficult to track down online.

It's very post Heat, and has a lot of embryonic visual cues and directorial flourishes that made the Miami Vice film stupefyingly boring.  Watching lead Tom Sizemore - surely unintentionally - channeling Al Pacino from Heat is.... interesting.

It's a period piece:  that's what this show is.  This show was as good as it got until The Wire, The Shield and The Closer showed that how much further the procedural show genre's boundaries could be pushed.

It's... quaint.

20 August 2012

Blackout (S01E01, BBC, 2012)

Disclosure:  I used to have the hots for Dervla Kirwan.  Then she got old.

Disclosure:  I've never had the hots for Christopher Eccleston.  Then he did Doctor Who.

I got fifteen minutes into this and then I glanced at my watch, thinking that was the slowest, flashiest, most repetitive thirty minutes of television I'd seen in some time.  Then I saw only FIFTEEN MINUTES had elapsed.

Good actors.  I'm sure there's a good script somewhere in there.  But it felt like the director had mainlined some Tony Scott / Ridley Scott serum and just ejaculated all over the fucking editing suite.

I might have to try this again - I might have to have some brewskis beforehand - if only for Dervla and Christopher.

07 August 2012

Prometheus (2012, Ridley Scott / John Spaiht & Damon Lindelof)

Was busting to see this.

Then I saw it.

To paraphrase a certain Warrant Officer, Did IQs drop sharply since the last instalment?