26 November 2012

The Walking Dead S03E06-07

If this show suffers from too much of a good thing, it's pacing:  ep x, we'll learn this-little-piggy-went-to-market; in ep y, we'll blow some nasty-ass TV CGI up and we'll learn that this-little-piggy-stayed-home; and so on.  It's so fucking measured.

Maybe it's just a part of the whole zombie canon:  seemingly interminable suspension, consistent ignorance/idiocy as to the lethality of the plague, action that is driven not by logic - or a love for life - but by the next ad break or upcoming ep.  What the comic does so well is that - tragic lapses of attention aside - our heroes learn shit.  I hear that's fucking called character development or some shit.

I suspect a lot of my bitching and whining in this post is informed by another motherfucking AMC mid-season break - after next week's ep, it's who-the-fuck-knows how long until we get to the end of this - let's be honest, pedestrian - zombie show.

And bitch and whine as I will, I'll still waste precious bandwidth on this fucking show.  Why?  Because it's diverting a little from the comic.  Although, seriously, I could do without the goddamned grief.

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