27 November 2012

Vegas S01E06-07

This show is beginning to spin off into moral territories that very few broadcast shows like to go.  Broadcast shows are that:  broad.  As in without nuance, as in lowest common denominator.

Creators Nicholas Pileggi and Greg Walker have been devious sons-a-bitches in giving us a McCloud knock-off in this post-Longmire and -Justified procedural telly landscape and sneaking in some moral fucking ambiguity.

Seriously, bitches:  WTF?

Yes, I teared up at the end of the last ep because for all of Savino's (Chiklis) hustle and bluff, he loves his wife.  And was it the previous ep or the one before where that was that unsubtle reveal of why Lamb (Quaid) just won't let his brother cut down a tree on the ranch - he loves his wife, too, the old coot.

Vegas is the shizz.

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